On the first anniversary of the tragedy at the Mother Emanuel AME Church, experience the capacity of African-American spiritual and gospel music to heal. The Charleston Gospel Choir and Spiritual Ensemble, with orchestral musicians from around the country, will be producing a moving memoriam concert in honor of the Emanuel 9 at the Gaillard Center. Charleston Gaillard Center Performance Hall, 95 Calhoun St. Saturday, 7pm.
Tickets will be given to club members in pairs.
Please e-mail me (hooper@charlestonmag.com) by Wednesday, June 8, if you are interested in attending E Pluribus Unum. Should club member interest exceed our number of available tickets, we will draw names for winners. For more information, click here: http://www.charlestonspiritual.com/event/e-pluribus-unum-out-of-many-one...